a blog by ryan hayes

Scrap Bill C49!

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The new Harper plan to jail refugees, Immigration Bill C49, is based on a few lies.


Lie 1: Canada has a generous refugee system so people who are indeed refugees can get here.
Lie 2: That there are some refugees breaking the law, who are criminal.
Lie 3: That the law is too weak to stop these criminals and must be changed.

In fact,

Truth 1: Canada’s takes less refugees then Germany, the United States, Pakistan or Lebanon.
Truth 2: It is legal to leave a country on fake documents, on rafts, ships, planes or foot. Not only is it legal, it is honored, celebrated and often necessary.
Truth 3: It is actually the other way around. These people are not criminals, but the conservative
government wants to make it so that they are.

Stop the Lies.
Release MV Sun Sea passengers.
Stop Immigration Bill C-49.
Fight for Status for All.

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